- Manual for Bio Medical Waste Management
(4.353 mb)
- Score Sheet for Public Hospitals / IPD Patient Feedback Form - English Version
(12.664 mb) | Khasi Version
(16.988 mb) | Garo Version
(15.88 mb)
- Meghalaya Essential Drugs List 2023
(4.59 mb)
- Meghalaya Epidemic Diseases Malaria Regulation 2023
(2.19 mb)
- Meghalaya Mental Health and Social Care Policy 2022
(6.96 mb)
- Policy Brief - Meghalaya Mental Health and Social Care Policy 2022
(499 kb)
- Manual for Bio-Medical Waste Management (30-06-2022)
(3.2 mb)
- The Meghalaya Health Policy, 2021
(1.68 mb)
- Citizen's Charter
(639 kb)
- The Meghalaya registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Rules 2025
(2.95 mb)
- The Meghalaya Registration of Births and Deaths Rules - 1999
(2.38 mb)
- The Meghalaya Nursing Council (Amendment) Rules, 2022
(322 kb)
- Meghalaya Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Rules, 2021
(560 kb)
- Meghalaya Medical Attendance Rules, 2021
(12.9 mb)
- The Meghalaya Nursing Council Rules, 2021
(246 kb)
- The Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance 2020
(2.94 mb)
- The Meghalaya Nursing Home (Licensing And Registration) Rules, 2015
(560 kb)
- The Meghalaya Nursing Homes (Licensing And Registration) Rules, 2011
(368 kb)
- The Meghalaya Nursing Homes (Licensing and Registration) Rules, 2010
(51 kb)
- The Meghalaya Health Service Rules, 1982 & 1990
- Meghalaya Medical Attendance Rules
Standard Medical Legal Documents 
- 1 - Admission Slip or Order
(464 kb)
- 2 - Admission Slip or Order for Gynaecology
(468 kb)
- 3 - Obstetric Intra Partum Medical Record
(475 kb)
- 4 - Admission Slip or Order for Pediatric Cases
(462 kb)
- 5 - Doctor Progress Notes
(414 kb)
- 6 - Nurses Record
(412 kb)
- 7 -Blood Pressure RR Pulse Temperature Chart
(475 kb)
- 8 - Blood Sugar Chart
(406 kb)
- 9 - Input Output Chart
(408 kb)
- 10 - Laboratory Report
(544 kb)
- 11 - Discharge Summary
(424 kb)
- 12 - Discharge Summary for Delivery Cases
(443 kb)
- 13 - Pre-Operative Record
(458 kb)
- 14 - Anesthesia Record
(413 kb)
- 15 - Operation Report
(413 kb)
- 16 - Operation Recovery Record
(429 kb)
- 17 - OPD Slip
(426 kb)
- 18 - OPD or Day Care for Surgical Procedures
(473 kb)
- 19 - Rabies Immunisation
(434 kb)
- 20 - OPD Slip for Obstetric Ante Natal Care
(454 kb)
- 21 - Medical Record Department Checklist
(454 kb)
- Accused of Sexual Assault
(137 kb)
- Dead Body Identification
(197 kb)
- Drunkenness Certificate
(581 kb)
- FSL-Form for Despatching Viscera
(181 kb)
- Handing over Dead Body
(6 kb)
- Injury Report
(466 kb)
- MLC Report Format
(227 kb)
- Postmortem Examination Certificate
(181 kb)
- Postmortem Examination cum Embalming Certificate
(6 kb)
- Proforma for Age Determination
(475 kb)
- Proforma Postmortem Report
(90 kb)
- Request for Embalming
(7 kb)
- Specimen Handing over
(208 kb)