Download Forms
- Application for NOC to start School of Nursing / College of Nursing in the State)
- Bond-cum-agreement (for Nomination to MBBS study under State quota)
(96 kb)
- Application form for Birth Certificate
(234 kb)
- Application form for Death Certificate
(217 kb)
- Application for Registration / Renewal of Registration under Food Safety and Standards Acts, 2006 (Form 'A')
- Application for License / Renewal of license under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (Form'B')
- Application for Registration of Nursing Home/ Renewal of Registration
- Retention Certificate for Wholesale Licence
- Retention Certificate for Retail Licence
- Check list No.I for obtaining Wholesale Drugs Licences
- Check list No.II for obtaining Retail Drugs Licences
- Application for grant of a licence to self, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs other than those specified in Schedule X (FORM 19)
- Application for the grant of a restricted licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs by retail by dealers who do not engage the service of a qualified person (FORM 19-A)
- Application for licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homoeopathic Medicines (FORM 19-B)
- Application for grant of a licence to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs specified in Schedule X (FORM 19-C)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs by retail other than those specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X (FORM 20)
- Restricted Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs by retail other than
- those specified in Schedules C, C (1) and X for dealers who do not engage the services of a registered pharmacist (FORM 20A)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by wholesale, drugs other than those specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X (FORM 20B)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homoeopathic medicines by retail (FORM 20C)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homoeopathic medicines by wholesale (FORM 20D)
- Certificate of renewal of Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homoeopathic medicines (FORM 20E)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by retail drugs specified in Schedule X (FORM 20F)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by wholesale drugs specified in Schedule X (FORM 20G)
- Licence to self, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by retail drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 21)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by retail drugs specified in Schedule C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X for dealers who do not engage the services of a registered pharmacist (FORM 21A)
- Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by wholesale drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 21B)
- Application for the grant of or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) and X (FORM 24)
- Application for grant or renewal of a loan licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (I) and X (FORM 24A)
- Application for grant or renewal of licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs, being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (I) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 24B)
- Application for the grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Homoeopathic medicines or a licence to manufacture potentised preparations from back potencies by licensees holding licence in Form 20-C Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 203 (FORM 24C)
- Application for the grant / renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic/ Siddha or Unani drugs (FORM 24D)
- Application for grant or renewal of a loan licence to manufacture for sale Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani Drugs (FORM 24E)
- Application for the grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(1) (FORM 24F)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C(l) and X (FORM 25)
- Loan licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified In Schedules C and C (1) and X (FORM 25A)
- Licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 25B)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Homoeopathic medicines (FORM 25C)
- Licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs (FORM 25D)
- Loan Licence to manufacture for sale Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani Drugs (FORM 25E)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(1) (FORM 25F)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of drugs other than those specified in Schedule X (FORM 26)
- Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture for sale of drugs other than those specified in Schedule X (FORM 26A)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 26B)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Homoeopathic medicines (FORM 26C)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic / Siddha or Unani drugs (FORM 26D)
- Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic / Siddha or Unani Drugs (FORM 26E)
- Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to manufacture of Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani drugs (FORM 26E1)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of drugs specified in Schedule X (FORM 26F)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to operate a Blood Bank for processing of whole human blood and/or for preparation for sale or distribution of its component (FORM 26G)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines specified in Schedules C and C(I) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 26H)
- Certificate of renewal of licence for manufacture of blood product (FORM 26-I)
- Application for grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule XB and Schedule X (FORM 27)
- Application for grant or renewal of a loan licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in
- Schedule XB and Schedule X (FORM 27A)
- Application for grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C, C(I) and X (FORM 27B)
- Application for grant/renewal of licence for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of whole blood and/or preparation of Blood Components (FORM 27C)
- Application for grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 27D)
- Application for grant/renewal of licence to manufacture blood products for sale or distribution (FORM 27E)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 28)
- Loan Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 28A)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C, CI and X (FORM 28B)
- Licence to operate a Blood Bank for collection, storage and processing of whole human blood and/or its components for sale or distribution (FORM 28C)
- Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines specified in Schedules C and C(I) excluding those specified in Schedule X (FORM 28D)
- Licence to manufacture and store blood products for sale or distribution (FORM 28E)
- Application for grant of a licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution (FORM 31)
- Application for grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for Distribution (FORM 31)
- Application for grant or renewal of loan licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution (FORM 31A)
- Licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution (FORM 32)
- Loan licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution (FORM 32A)
- Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale (FORM 33)
- Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture cosmetic for sale (FORM 33A)
- Certificate of test or analysis of cosmetic by the Central Drugs Laboratory or the Government Analyst (FORM 34)
- Application for Retention of Drugs License
- Download Forms
(52.2 mb)