- Advisory for the Festive Season in view of the Emergence of Omicron (21st Dec, 2021)
(1.01 mb)
- MoHFW Advisory regarding Oxygen Concentrators suitable for COVID-19 case management in Home settings (16th May 2021)
(1.06 mb)
- Advisory on COVID Vaccination (26th February 2021)
(143 kb)
- Advisory for Senior Citizens
(143 kb)
- Advisory for the persons travelling into Meghalaya
(90.3 kb)
- Advisory on use of Homemade Protective Cover for Face & Mouth
(925 kb)
- Advisory for permitting health workers in containment zones to attend duty (25th July 2020)
(1.61 mb)
- Home Quarantine Advisory (20th March 2020)
(860 kb)
- Revised Advisory on the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as prophylaxis for COVID-19 infection
(1.98 mb)